contact: omn1phob3 AT gmail DOT com

listen to us at:

maandag 22 maart 2010

non-moving image clips :)

We recorded two new jams on sunday night: number 21 has some clean downtuned guitar, i love how it sounds in combination with the white-noisy electro layers.

I used my resurrected Les Paul for a load of distorted bottleneck slide playing on numer 20.
You can check 'm at our myspace too, of course.

We are busy orgainizing an electronic music afternoon/evening at the moment as part of an electronic arts event. We're really looking forward to it, more details in the weeks to come.

Omniphobe 21 from eef monsterboards on Vimeo.

Omniphobe 20 from eef monsterboards on Vimeo.

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